Our resources

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Self Care Reference Guide

Much of the work we do at the Office of Safeguarding is looking into very dark places which can be confronting and can even trigger suppressed trauma.  We suggest downloading and printing this Care Guide so that if you need help - the numbers to call are all easily accessible. 
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Code of Conduct

Diocese of Parramatta's Code of Conduct Policy
Establishes a standard by which personnel of the Diocese of Parramatta should conduct themselves towards others and perform their professional duties. This policy should be read in conjunction with all related documents listed in the Related Documents section of this policy. 
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Professional Standards

Safeguarding Policy
Applies to anyone employed or engaged by the Diocese of Parramatta in ministry. This includes clergy and religious, paid staff, as well as contractors and volunteers (including foster carers). It covers all aspects of service provided by the Diocese, whether on or off premises.
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Volunteer Handbook

This handbook was prepared to give you some essential information about the policies, procedures, and expectations of the Diocese of Parramatta. It contains all you need to know to get started with volunteering at the Diocese of Parramatta. Please take the time to read it and feel free to ask questions.
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National Catholic Safeguarding Standards

Produced by the Catholic Professional Standards Ltd this 43 page booklet details the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards
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A Guide to the Child Safe Standards

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (the Royal Commission) shone a spotlight on thousands of cases where organisations in Australia failed to protect children in their care from abuse. It highlighted that abuse that occurs within an organisational context is not just a problem of the past, it continues today. Many victims and survivors were motivated to tell their stories to the inquiry, to prevent harm to children now and into the future.
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NSW Child Safe Standards for Permanent Care

The standards establish the minimum requirements for the accreditation of out-of-home care and adoption service providers and are based on the statutory responsibilities of out-of-home care and adoption service providers, as set out in the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998, the Adoption Act 2000 and relevant regulations.
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Elder Abuse Toolkit

Identifying and Responding to the Abuse of Older People: the 5–step Approach

This 5–step approach helps you identify and respond to abuse of an older person and provides a framework for those in positions where the abuse of an older person may be suspected, witnessed, or disclosed. This approach is aligned to the NSW Interagency Policy. Each section of the toolkit will focus and expand on these steps.
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Integrity in Ministry

A resource for those preparing for ministry in the Catholic Church and as a code of conduct and guide for reflection for those already involved in ministry. It sets out behaviour for clergy and religious to integrate into their day-to-day ministry and serves as a check-list against which they can review the quality of the ministerial activities in which they engage. 
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Standards Poster

Brochure summarising the Child Safe Standards and core components.
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Risk of Significant Harm

Reporting Flow Chart
Maps the way an person who suspects someone is at risk of significant harm must report

Resources for Clergy

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Reflective Practices in Ministry

Professional pastoral supervision is now an expected practice for all clergy in Australia. Recognising, that the adoption of this beneficial pastoral practice represents for many a cultural shift, this policy seeks to outline the key aspects of Pastoral Supervision and to detail a shared understanding of the practice across the Dioceses of Greater Sydney.
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Reflective Practices in Ministry

Supplementary Companion
This companion resource for the Policy, Reflective Practices in Ministry: Pastoral Supervision for Clergy is offered to assist clergy in their understanding and expectations of this important professional relationship. It has been formulated by an inter-diocesan taskforce representing the Archdiocese of Sydney and the suffragan Dioceses of Wollongong, Broken Bay and Parramatta.
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Register for Pastoral Supervisors

Resource Document
A Resource Document of Principles and Standards for Lay Workers in the Catholic Church in Australia. Represents the third stage in the compilation of a document of principles and behavioural standards which will serve as a resource for Lay Church Workers, both employees and volunteers.
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Register for Pastoral Supervisors

Provides a list of those on the Register for Pastoral Supervisors